Why Venezuelans are some of the unhappiest people in the world

Venezuelans used to be among the happiest people on the planet. In 2012, they voted themselves into fifth place in a global Gallup survey on happiness....

CRISPR Gene-Editing Controversy Shows Old Ideas About East And West Still Prevail

CRISPR gene-editing controversy shows old ideas about East and West still prevail Calvin Wai-Loon Ho, National University of Singapore The debate that followed initial experiments using...

It’s not just the ‘yuck factor’ that puts people off eating insects

It's not just the 'yuck factor' that puts people off eating insects Jonas House, University of Sheffield There’s a lot of hype around edible insects. Insects...

The ‘floating people’ of Myanmar: how Rohingya refugees reclaim their identity through art and...

The 'floating people' of Myanmar: how Rohingya refugees reclaim their identity through art and song Farzana Kazi Fahmida, University Utara Malaysia The Moghs refer to...

Abdul Haleem Noda, the first Japanese Muslim

With the beginning of the era of Japanese Renaissance, known as the era of Meiji, started in 1868, there were only two countries in...

Debunking three common myths about divorce and abuse in Muslim communities

A recent ABC News investigation highlighted the difficulties some Muslim women in Australia have experienced in trying to obtain a religious divorce from imams. This in...